Tuesday, October 9, 2007

yesterday I had such a terrible day. I started to rethink going back to school for culinary art. I mean its not exactly a four year school like Johnson & Wales, but at least I'll be getting a better idea how to prepare working in the industry that I have always enjoyed. None of my family think I should go back. Being that I am a single mom they all think I need to work a 9-5. That does sould gret and all, but working behind a desk is not really me.
I keep thinking about the past I haven't been able to let go. I mean I still after three years think about my sons father who well basicly left us and hasn't not contacted me in two years. I feel like ihave falled and no matter how much I keep trying to get back up I keep tripping. There is so much I keep iinside that I can't even begin to write about.
My kid asked me the other day why we don't have a big house like his aunt. I didn't know what to say. I wish I could give him a house and all the things I had growing up but unfortunatly I can't. My family does help me out when it comes to my child but I know in their heart of hearts they thnik I will always be where I am today. Basicly NO WHERE!!!!! Maybe one day My business will launch and it will kick ass then we will see what they think of me then.

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